Ridglan Farms
Take Action
Call and email Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne asking him to prosecute Ridglan Farms for animal cruelty.

This court case completely flipped. Now, Ridglan is the one facing prosecution!
The Dane County District Attorney’s office failed to prosecute Ridglan Farms for criminal animal cruelty, but former defendant Wayne Hsiung and local groups Dane4Dogs and Alliance for Animals filed a petition with the Dane County Courthouse asking the court to appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute Ridglan. Dane County Judge Rhonda Lanford agreed to hold an evidentiary hearing, which took place on October 24, 2024. The Animal Activist Legal Defense Project represented Dane4Dogs. The court heard testimony from investigator Wayne Hsiung, veterinarians, and former Ridglan employees who testified about the company's routine abuse of dogs, including non-veterinarians conducting surgeries on dogs without anesthetics. After reviewing this evidence, Judge Lanford issued her ruling on January 9, 2025. She granted the petition to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute Ridglan Farms for animal cruelty! This decision marks a major victory in our fight to hold Ridglan Farms accountable. On February 5, the Court appointed La Crosse County District Attorney Tim Gruenke to be the special prosecutor on this case. DA Gruenke will now begin his investigation into animal cruelty at Ridglan Farms. And if we keep the pressure on, this could lead to shutting down operations at Ridglan Farms for good.
Meet the Defendants

Eva Hamer
Eva is a researcher with Pax Fauna, a nonprofit that seeks to improve the ways animal advocates organize, take action, and communicate with the public. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon.

Paul Darwin Picklesimer
When Paul was a roofer in West Virginia, they worked on farms and saw animal abuse up close. Those experiences helped lead them to becoming an animal rights activist.

Wayne Hsiung
Wayne is an attorney and co-founder of The Simple Heart. He has been a community organizer for over 20 years.